We also assume that you are a Go programmer—that is, you have experience or at least basic familiarity with the Go programming language. Now is a good time, if any of those assumptions do not apply to you, to train up: for Go, we recommend The Go Programming Language by Alan A. A. Donovan and Brian W. Kernighan (Addison-Wesley) and Concurrency in Go by Katherine Cox-Buday (O’Reilly). For Kubernetes, check out one or more of the following books:

Kubernetes in Action by Marko Lukša (Manning)

*Kubernetes: Up and Running*, 2nd Edition by Kelsey Hightower et al. (O’Reilly)

Cloud Native DevOps with Kubernetes by John Arundel and Justin Domingus (O’Reilly)

Managing Kubernetes by Brendan Burns and Craig Tracey (O’Reilly)

Kubernetes Cookbook by Sébastien Goasguen and Michael Hausenblas (O’Reilly)

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